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VI Алматинский форум по качеству

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Черниговская бизнесменам

Татьяна Черниговская: интервью для менеджеров

ТРИЗ Альтшуллера

ТРИЗ Альтшуллера


Чего вам не хватает на этом сайте?

  • Our name
  • Advantages
  • Our history

English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)


Kinsmark Group is a unique phenomenon in Russian community of business management professionals. It incorporates people who have personal long-term experience of working for real enterprises, own business, intimate knowledge and interest for continuous improvement. They are characterized by personal maturity, understanding essence of cooperation and value of trust, inner leadership and aptitude to altruism.



KIN means the closest variant of kinship, and “kin group” is a group united by consanguinity. But Kinsmark is not a family business. In this part of name we put the main motive of our union: maximum concurrence of our core values in business, partnership and customer relations. Financial result of our activities is a result (or even a collateral effect) of properly implemented customer oriented strategy. In evolution theory (we could not miss this fact while we are organizational evolutionists) there is such a notion as kin selection.


Richard Dawkins in his book “Selfish Gene” paid special attention to a search of altruism nature and interpreted kin selection as a unity determined by a likeness of genes, not by consanguinity. In other words: “Brothers may be alien to each other like neighbours, while incident acquaintances may become closer than relatives”. And though egoism is determined by evolution, when eliminating last displays of altruism it quicker destroys those groups that were supposed to cultivate reason, kindness and eternal values, keep and hand down knowledge, improve and perfect.


MARK brings a sense of personal matureness, that has its individual style, that is flexible, acute, wise, ready for compromise, wishing to constantly learn from its Customers and together with them. In profession a personality is not a star but a master who is marking his work with satisfaction. Kinsmark is a portfolio of brands: each of us is either a Mark with a personal image, and value or can become one.


It is assumed that self-sufficient personalities, lone wolfs, stars etc. are not able for partnership. We can agree with this thought only taking into account that there are really not many people having this and other abilities inherently.


* A community consisting only of egoists and being moved by selfish motives is doomed.


"Regarding altruistic behavior it is necessary to mention that kin selection mechanism does not "demand" to identify an organism as kin".


(1). Richard Dawkins writes also: "Some people use the term kin selection to distinguish this kind of natural selection from group selection (the differential survival of groups) and individual selection (the differential survival of individuals). Kin selection accounts for within-family altruism; the closer the relationship, the stronger the selection. There is nothing wrong with this term, but unfortunately it may have to be abandoned because of recent gross misuses of it, which are likely to muddle and confuse biologists for years to come. E. O. Wilson, in his otherwise admirable Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, defines kin selection as a special case of group selection. He has a diagram which clearly shows that he thinks of it as intermediate between 'individual selection', and 'group selection' in the conventional sense—the sense that I used in Chapter 1. Now group selection—even by Wilson's own definition—means the differential survival of groups of individuals. There is, to be sure, a sense in which a family is a special kind of group. But the whole point of Hamilton's argument is that the distinction between family and non-family is not hard and fast, but a matter of mathematical probability. It is no part of Hamilton's theory that animals should behave altruistically towards all 'members of the family', and selfishly to everybody else. There are no definite lines to be drawn between family and non-family. We do not have to decide whether, say, second cousins should count as inside the family group or outside it: we simply expect that second cousins should be 1/16 as likely to receive altruism as offspring or siblings. Kin selection is emphatically not a special case of group selection.* It is a special consequence of gene selection..."

English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)


Our competitive advantages

We use the word “consulting” on our site mostly out of respect for the existing practice to call “consulting” both what specialists of conversational genre do and work of those professionals who practices support by action (SbA).  The root “consult” means consultancy. This sphere is comprehensible for us but not as attractive as SbA. Participation and co-creation as a close-knit team together with a Customer both produce a better effect on an enterprise and give much more pleasure. Fine words butter no parsnips, as is well known.


Not too long ago top-managers could not tell a consultant from a begleiter or improver while searching for optimal form of services. Last two words are still seldom used because the word “consulting” has firmly stuck in managers’ minds. However, many a man have learned to distinguish specialists of our professional guild and easily consume different forms of their services. Basically, difference between players in this market is based on how deep they immerge into Customer’s company. While a consultant is an analyst or a speaker working on a short-term contract basis, specialists who deal with development (of organization or business) can conclude a labour agreement with a Customer for a year or longer, as if a company hires a professional practitioner from a labour market.


What is characteristic for Kinsmark Group members?

1. Real experience in real sector.


- leading specialists work in this sphere since 1995;

- none of our field colleagues is a “chairborne specialist”. The major part of our working time we spend at Customers’ companies floor and we are dedicated to current projects with deep immersion;

- each of us loves what he/she does and has come to this business not accidentally.



2. Personal management experience


- many of our specialists are practicing managers, have their own businesses, are members of executive boards in another companies, took part in establishing companies as practician, not as advisers;


- we have managed to define a border between a professional management as handicraft and a management as art, we are practical people weirded to success – it is easy for us to understand top-managers and owners of companies.

3. Proved innovation and leadership

- we established first Russian electronic journal “Change Management in Company” in 2001;

- we founded first professional community of managers interested in development and “alternative management” (as it would be called later) in 2003;

- we became founders of Improvement as professional activity, published first Russian book on-topic in 2007;

- A customer may not know the modern innovations trends; we pursue a preemptive tactic and endeavor not only to learn about but also to try the best of them. We made comprehensible for practicing managers:


- "portfolio worker" concept by Charles Handy,

- KAM-technology by Peter Cheverton,

- management philosophy of William Deming,

- behavioral economics by Paco Underhill (first mention in our journal)

- scenario forecasting methodology, CRM technology and many other things.

4. Independence of

- views: scrupulousness, critical and pragmatic views on value of different theories and management methods;

- resourses: if we lack people to fulfill a projects we know exactly what partners we can address and who will work with us;

- choise: we do not sell any software; we do not offer any administrative methodology implemented in a software product; we are not engaged by any software-developing company. Among many IT products we select exactly what our customer needs.

5. Orientation on action and definiteness, not on talking.

- we do not advise, we give our customer the information he/she needs to make an independent decision;

- we avoid talking in favour of participating in our customer business’s future development and responsibility for joint efforts results;

- among us there are former and currently working software engineers, we have an experience of working for business software development companies, thus we know the common shortages to avoid them. We have gone through self-identification processes and we are not a software implementing company. Kinsmark is an SbA-consulting company.


6. Academic knowledge. During nine years that Kinsmark exists we have established contacts with remarkable people. They are professionals in consecutive areas. They have done us proud to share with us tribune at conferences and seminars, they opened for us many important issues that helped us to understand development processes physics. Today we are proud of cooperation with them and we intend to extend the experience.


- Processes statistical control and Lean - Vladimir Shper (Moscow)

- 6-Sigma, kaizen and Deming philosophy - Yury Adler (Moscow)

- Quality Management System - Pyotr Kalita (Kiev)


One of the key values of our activities is measured in KG (K(insmark) G(roup)):


1 KG = 1 complex projects fulfilled together with our partners.



7. Creativity


- if a standard approach does not work we will find a non standard one;

- if there is no creative work in the work we cannot give it a high mark;

- we treat our work very seriously and rather jestingly ourselves. We think humour is obligatory for good work. This is why many of our texts are written in two languages: a business-like and not a very business-like one

- we really try hard to protect ourselves from a permanent mischief of consulting companies that "fall ill" with the same “problems” as their Customers. There must not be “ill shod shoemakers” in our business. 

English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)



Our history


In 1996 three enthusiasts from Saint Petersburg started the first business analysis project for "MultyCut Systems". That time it was based on commercial logistics principles. Tree business section were under analysis: products, informational and financial. A point of a strategic optimum was chosen and three business directions of the company were tuned and harmonize in accordance with it. At the time of red coats and primary capital formation only few were interested in business as a system. A long pause in the projects was beginning to show.


In 2000 appeared a post service Helper that could do mailings of articles about management according to subscribers mailing list (the list was collected manually).


In 2001 appeared electronic journal "Change Management in Company", that soon got up to the highest levels in issue-related ratings and formed a circle of expert readers.


In 2003 appeared the brand Kinsmark Group that united experts in developing management to create a professional community.