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Джон Шук: Где начинается лин-лидерство E-mail
Статьи - Lean Production
Written by Джон Шук   
Monday, 12 November 2012 10:33

Как и всё в lean практике, лидерство начинается с осмысления текущего состояния. Для лин-лидера это означает понимание внешней бизнес-среды, организация внутренней среды и собственных возможностей. Директор Института Лин-Менеджмента Джон Шук анонсирует новые книги по лин-лидерству и новую учебную программу. Его мнение дополняет Джон Вумак.

Thoughts on leadership with John Shook

New books

Follow the Learner

by Sami Bahri

What does it really mean to be a “learning organization”? What does it take to get the people in a nonmanufacturing environment to think of work in terms of flow? How do you build a culture based on lean principles and lead that culture as it continuously evolves?

In his book, Follow the Learner: The Role of a Leader in Creating a Lean Culture, Dr. Sami Bahri describes how he and the staff in his practice tackled each of these questions. The book describes how their organization, the Bahri Dental Group, transformed their work and their thinking from a traditional batch-and-queue approach to one focused directly on the needs of the patient, not on the needs of the practitioners.

Managing to Learn: Using the A3 management process

by John Shook

Managing to Learn by Toyota veteran John Shook, reveals the thinking underlying the vital A3 management process at the heart of lean management and lean leadership. Constructed as a dialogue between a manager and his boss, the book explains how “A3 thinking” helps managers and executives identify, frame, and then act on problems and challenges. Shook calls this approach, which is captured in the simple structure of an A3 report, “the key to Toyota’s entire system of developing talent and continually deepening its knowledge and capabilities.”

Work on the core leadership skills you'll need to initiate and sustain a lean transformation by attending LEI's workshops in Orlando, December 11-14. All seven workshops are aimed at supporting leadership thinking and behaviors.

Jim Womack on why managers are faced with a prisoners dilemma